
Have you ever thought about what your home might say if it could talk to you? There might be a lot of things it would want to tell you, but here are 3 things I think it might say..

  1. “I am a part of you.”

    Your house is an extension of you. The care you put into maintaining your home says a lot about who you are and how you care for yourself. As some very smart people once told me - How you do anything is how you do anything. (Thanks, Klemmer and Associates! So if your house is always messy, if it’s cluttered, if there are many projects that need to be done, if things are broken…. What does that say about how you care for you?

  2. “Stay on top of stuff, people.”

    My word for 2018 is intentional so I’ve really focused this year on being intentional with all the small habits in my life. I noticed that I was letting things build up over time and then having to deal with larger “problems” that would take a lot of time and/or money. For instance, I would let the dishes pile up and then have to spend hours to get them all done on a weekend. Or I wouldn’t think ahead about meals and end up spending a ton of money on eating out because no meals were prepped and ready to go when I needed them. When I’m intentional with these small habits (doing dishes every night, meal planning on Sundays, etc), my life is so much easier! If you stay on top of all the little habits around your house, that will make all the house work easier and make your home a more enjoyable place to be in.

  3. “Show me you love me.”

    Many of us are blessed to have a home (a house, apartment, condo, etc.) that we either rent or own. Many people don’t have that blessing. How much gratitude do you show your home for the warmth and comfort it brings you? Do you care for it? Do you maintain it and all of it’s components? Do you dress it up and make it pretty? Spend some time doing projects to fix things up and make it a beautiful place to live. Declutter the closets and other storage areas so they are organized and usable. Have regular check ups to make sure everything is working properly. Show your house you love it!

Your home is a part of you. Be grateful for it, show it some care, and love it, and I promise you will find more joy and less stress in your day to day life.
