Raise your hand if you’ve ever measured your own worth based on your productivity…
I don’t know about you, but my hand is DEFINITELY in the air.
In fact, pretty much my whole life until this point, I’ve measured my value and worth as a human on this planet in my results, accomplishments, and productivity.
And while that’s a great way to push myself to get stuff done, let me tell you - It does not feel good to ONLY know my value based on results and getting stuff done. You know why? Because the minute those results went away, I suddenly felt worthless.
The minute I stopped to rest, have fun, and missed on a goal, everything came crashing down. I felt sad and like I let everyone around me down. I felt like I didn’t have value. I was tired. Constantly working to prove my worth to myself and others through results was EXHAUSTING.
Then, an amazing friend that I’m incredibly blessed to have in my life said a simple, yet totally powerful sentence to me. “You are responsible TO your results, you are NOT your results.” (Shout out to Krystal Zellmer and www.klemmer.com!!!!!)
Honestly, I didn’t even understand that sentence at first. I said it over and over to myself for weeks. And the more I heard myself say it, the more it started to sink in…
I get to own my results. I get to look at what I did, what I wasn’t willing to do, and the choices I made on the path to getting my goals and in my productivity. AND at the end of the day, those results and that to-do list, aren’t me. I am whole, complete, and valuable as a human regardless of achievements and tasks I complete. I get to own my results and I am not my results.
While I was really working through this after a missed goal, someone asked me “Are your dogs valuable?” I said “Of course! I love them!” And she proceeded to ask me what results they created. They don’t set and accomplish goals. They don’t have task lists they check off. They don’t care about creating results. They are just lovable furballs doing their doggo thing day in and day out. And they are so valuable and worthy of love!!
We are the same.
I chose to believe that I am a whole, complete, worthy and valuable human simply because I exist. And I chose to believe you are too.
I encourage you to set big goals, create the life of your dreams, measure tangible results, and get your to-do lists done effectively and efficiently. AND know, no matter what, you are a valuable, worthy human, and you are loved!